Title : Vinifera Author : Steve Carson (Fermion) E-mail : Fermion420@msn.com Web Page : someday Description : Constructed with the single player in mind, it should make for some awesome dukematching (4 at most though) ====================================================================== This is an exact replication, from my memory, of a certain winery I interned at near Eugene, OR. (I can be pressed to reveal it's identity, but not by distribution). Actually, it is only 1/4 of it, because framerate was starting to suffer on my 90 mhertz. It includes the analytical and micro labs, the tasting room, one fermentation room (the one with all the tanks), a sorry barrell room, and a few other things. It was designed with single-player in mind (gasp), because there aren't many good ones out. So there are access cards, and an exit switch. I purposely kept out the power weapons, because this is a pursuit and obstacle level. If you are curious, Vitis vinifera is the genus and species of European grapevine. Please give me feedback on what you think, bugs found, improvements, ideas, etc. That would be very much appreciated. By the way, this is my first level. Please send my Build diploma to my agent. Fermion420@msn.com * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Single Player : Yes! I am a hero! DukeMatch Level : Yes! Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : Some doors look weird from certain angles. On the catwalks, due to the rotated sprites making up the rails, you have to be on the catwalk to shoot or be shot at. Help? * Where to get this MAP file * right here, and some other places Thank yous: To me. I designed, implemented, and tested this all myself. Other than that, to this guy: MAP EDITING FAQ v0.3 BY BRETT GMOSER His faq was of infinite help. Brett's ideas allowed me to put in the star trek door, the piston, and some other things. He has really done an excellent job, in an area where there is VERY little info. DONT BUY Prima's DN3D Construction kit -- Brett's faq gives a complete compilation of Build. Finally, I consider this user map my intellectual property, for use of fellow Dukers free of charge. It MAY NOT be distributed, other than downloading from web sites that I have posted it on, without my prior permission.